Saturday, February 2, 2013

You don't have to say cheese to smile

Not saying cheese at Cristo Rei, Dili.

And I say it again: You don't have to say cheese to smile.

It's just a bit hard to smile these past few days and I need a reminder. Already failing my new year resolution? Nooo! The washing machine is broken, I just dropped my newly bought watch on the street and scratched it, having fever and flu for the past few days. OMG, the list of things gone wrong just goes on and on (talk about complaining...). The only time I smiled today was when I passed by a friend I worked with 4 years ago at the escalator this afternoon.

You don't really have to climb a hill to watch a beautiful sun rising over the sea to make you smile. But hell yeah it helps! Urmm... the hill in question is like a thousand miles away, so that's not going to happen anytime soon, haha.

Still not saying cheese on the Swiss Alps.

So maybe I need to go to a beach somewhere or climb something to free my ever-occupied mind. I've probably been thinking too much these days; I almost forgot to pay for my food at a restaurant today :(

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